2022: Cyber Up Your Family

2022: Cyber Up Your Family

Families should make a steadfast new year’s resolution to cyber up their family. This means to rev up all cyberspace-related knowledge, such as the IoT Smart Home.

The Metaverse or Web 3.0 should be another great area of interest as it represents the web’s next evolutionary and revolutionary step.

Let’s delve into some of these areas to give you a great head start going into 2022 and making it indeed the year of the cyber for you and your family.

Cybersecurity and Your Family

Cybersecurity should be part and parcel of your efforts to “cyber up” your family in 2022.

There is no point in engaging in a new and exciting collective cyber security experience if it is not secure. This includes your family’s privacy protected in an end-to-end fashion across all endpoint devices, IoT appliances, and any other cyber-connected entity, for that matter.

Family-Wide Cybersecurity Solution

As a first step to “cyber up” your family, you should download a free trial of a comprehensive web security suite that will protect all your family’s endpoint devices.

Look for free trials from reputable, experienced cyber security antivirus anti-malware companies with a proven track record and countless fantastic customer testimonials.

Free trials typically span around two weeks to a month. Not only will if you assess all the product’s features, UX User Experience including online help such as training, glossary, blogs, and other company curated content for potential personal use, you will also be able to learn a lot about cyber security.

You should also assess any additional offerings such as browser level add-ons and a VPN solution that will take your family’s cyber privacy to the next level.

Once you have established a clear preference and confidence in one solution, the next most prudent step would be to purchase the full copy for uninterrupted protection for the entire family.

Also, look for other products such as dedicated VPNs, Firewalls, and update your home router. Look for guidance to place your IoT devices on a separate network, also known as a VLAN.

As an additional step, learn more about the built-in out-of-the-box security offerings offered by the various operating systems running your endpoint devices such as macOS, iOS, Windows 10, Windows 11 and Android.

Web 3.0 Metaverse

The Metaverse will bring the internet closer to life and bring body language expressed emotions more vividly to life within web interactions in commonly used apps where families communicate, such as WhatsApp. 

For those looking for more accurate, meaningful non-video-based web interactions with their family, this will make emojis and gifs obsolete or used much less often.

In a nutshell, you should follow the Metaverse closely and look for new platforms that will play a significant role in your family’s “cyber up” journey.

The IoT Smart Home

The IoT Smart Home can make your collective family home experience modern, sleek and fun. With intelligent fridges, smart lights, smart air purifiers, pet cameras, video doorbells, intelligent home security systems and much more. This is another area you should look into in your cyber-up journey.

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