Lorenzo Billie

2022: Cyber Up Your Family

2022: Cyber Up Your Family

Families should make a steadfast new year’s resolution to cyber up their family. This means to rev up all cyberspace-related knowledge, such as the IoT Smart Home. The Metaverse or Web 3.0 should be another great area of interest as it represents the web’s next evolutionary and revolutionary step. Let’s delve into some of these…

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Is it worth studying trading online?

Is it worth studying trading online?

Trading is not just the exclusive realm of professional trading practitioners, owing to the internet. Everyone who owns a laptop, or a smartphone can now trade for a living. A growing number of individuals are considering trade to supplement their income, and those who are most dedicated to learning the necessary skills may make a…

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What is Campaign Management and what are the different types of campaign management?

What is Campaign Management and what are the different types of campaign management?

Campaign management is a marketing initiative that is often centered around a service or product that a business offers. Campaign management is the planning, execution, and analysis, and tracking of such a marketing initiative. They usually involve numerous pushes through social media, emails, print materials, giveaways and more to involve or attract potential buyers. The…

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