NCERT textbook

Feed your brain: NCERT Textbook Solutions

The most dreaded month is finally here. The countdown to boards has begun. Due to the stress, and inactivity, one of  the common mistakes that we make is that we throw our diet out of  the window. Either we gorge on unhealthy food or start snacking or even sometimes just skip meals. But if you stop for a moment to think,  just like if you’re  exercising you got to eat a good diet, when you’re studying, you got to feed your powerful  brain  properly.  Only then will it be  able  to function in  its optimum capacity and manage the overload that you are giving it.

NCERT textbook

The board exams are like a brain marathon. You need to fuel it with proper food so that it is able to finish the race. Nutritionists emphasize the importance of healthy eating habits at this stressful time. They  say the right  food and drink  can energize your system, improve  your alertness and help you fight through the strenuous period. The wrong dietary choices can make you feel sluggish, jittery, or fatigued.

So here are some super foods for your super brain. Fruits.

Bananas and oranges are said to be some of the best revision helpers out there, because they give you energy at a slower rate, making you more productive in the long run. Apples cannot only  keep the   doctor   away;  they  can  keep   the   exam   stress   at  bay  too.  Apples   contain  high   levels of acetylcholine,  increasing movement and sensory perception.  Apples  also reduce anxiety. Grapes are also good for you. So go fresh go fruits.


Turmeric  is  a powerful  anti-oxidant  that has been widely recognized  to help  just  about everything from fatigue to cancer. So next time your mom gives you a glass of turmeric milk, don’t say no.


Eating your portion of  five meals a day is essential if you’re planning on getting the grades. Even if you’re not too keen on your greens (and if you are, you should be buying spinach by the truck-load as it’s packed with iron), you can pick from a variety of other legumes. Soya is really good for you, as it  helps  with your  memory.  Other  vegetables  that  are good brain  food  include  kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils. The more the merrier, basically!

Fish and eggs

Packed with Omega-3 oils, fish is a staple for all bookworms. It acts as a memory booster too. A large part of  the brain  is  made up of  omega-3 fats, making  them  vital for healthy  brain  function.  In  fact

60%  of  the fats in  the brain are omega-3 with  DHA, a type of  omega-3 fat found in  fish,  being the main type. The omega-3 oils protect the brain from declining mental skills and memory loss. Coming to eggs the protein  and nutrients in  eggs help you concentrate.  You  get  a huge  influx of  vitamins,

minerals, and fats in one single egg. Research shows that eating one egg  per day can lower heart disease, cancer, and fatigue and also fill you up.

Nuts and oats

Packed with nutrients, fats, and a tiny bit of  carbs, these foods are nature’s energy packages. They are easy to eat,  easy to incorporate  into  other  healthy foods, and easily  portable.  Almonds  and walnuts are particularly good for your memory. Oats are also really good  for you, as they give you energy. So when you are flipping through the NCERT textbook solutions, you can munch on these too.


Hydrate  yourself  to  keep your brain  at peace. Mental  fatigue,  memory problems,  and mental confusion can result when the brain isn’t properly hydrated. Don’t underestimate the importance of water owing to its easy availability. It supports healthy brain cells, improves concentration, helps to balance  mood and emotions,  eliminates  toxins  and free radicals  from your blood and improves blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

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