Optimize Heading Tags

How to Optimize Heading Tags

If you are a business owner with a website, or just someone with a blog or a website for your own personal portfolio or resume than you are going to want to know a little more about optimizing your heading tags.

What are heading tags and how do they help with your site’s SEO? Another question to ask when it comes to heading tags is how can you optimize them? Here are some tips and tricks when it comes to optimizing your website’s heading tags and other parts of your website for better SEO:

Know about Heading Tags/Hierarchy

A heading tag is a line of text on a webpage that is wrapped by HTML code to create a heading look/element on a website page. The heading tags range in hierarchy from H1 to H6. The coding for these headings look like this:

  • Heading text

  • Heading text

  • Heading text

  • Heading text

  • Heading text
  • Heading text

Each heading can look different from the rest, and they are used to catch the attention of search-engines so that they can provide relevant search results. An h1 heading tag is one of the heavily weighed elements of your content when it comes to search engine results.


Do not try to stuff your heading tags with tons of keywords, it is very obvious and can make the rest of your content look bad. Including a keyword within your heading tag is however, pretty important. Search engines actually check for keyword consistency between you header tags and the rest of the content on your web page.

How many?

More heading tags is not better, you don’t want to overuse heading tags because that will just confuse your readers and the search engines. You want to limit each page of your website to one h1 tag and one h2 tag, and then you can use lower tags like h3’s with a little more frequency.

Unique Headings

Make sure each of your heading tags is unique. You don’t want to have repeat heading tags throughout your website because the search engines will not know what to do or where to send their searchers. Also, having unique headings makes your content that much more interesting to your readers.


Heading tags should not be used on text containing no keywords. A mistake that website owners often make is to put text in a Heading tag just for the styling purpose and not for actual content or SEO purposes. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the fancy term of making your website more searchable for web users, another way to put it is making your website as easy to find as possible. Using heading tags with keywords that are actually relevant to your content can really help with your SEO.

Best Practices for Heading Tags

  • Only use one h1 and one h2 per web page
  • Only use one keyword per heading tag
  • Make sure there is a keyword in each heading tag
  • Keep your heading lengths reasonable (do not use entire paragraphs)

Graphic design

Graphic design in Wilmington is a great place to go if you want to use graphic design for different parts of your website or even within your heading tags.

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