The Complete Guide to Choosing a SARMs Supplier: Everything to Know

The Complete Guide to Choosing a SARMs Supplier: Everything to Know

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) have been around since the 1940s in their steroidal form. Modern SARMs appeared in the late 90s and work in a different way than anabolic steroids.

The new forms of SARMs that we’ve seen developed in the last few decades selectively modulate receptors in a way that anabolic steroids do not. The result is that SARMs can bypass some of the modulations that cause unwanted side effects (ones often associated with anabolic steroids). 

Yet, choosing a SARMs supplier might be a little daunting for anyone new to the game. Since SARMs are not FDA-approved, many suppliers sell them in liquid form as experimental drugs. Then there are other SARM-like options on sale that many bodybuilders use today, and it’s important to source these substances from a reputable supplier.

Let’s now take a deeper look into the world of SARMs and see what products you should be searching for and where you should get them from. Read on to get the lowdown.

Legal Issues Surrounding SARMs

As we’ve just mentioned, SARMs are not legal substances for human consumption. Of course, this hasn’t stopped countless bodybuilders and gym-goers from using these substances to enhance their physique. 

In 2017 there was an attempt by U.S. regulators to crack down on SARMs sellers. Yet, sellers and buyers continue to sell and use the substances often marketed as “research laboratory chemicals” or other similar phrases. 

SARMs in their original form come as powders for the most part. Manufacturers of SARMs then dissolve the powders into alcohol solutions to put them into liquid form.

If a seller was to sell SARMs in tablet or capsule form, it would indicate to the FDA that there is an intention there for human consumption. When SARMs are in liquid form, it makes it more believable that the substances are research chemicals, meaning they have more chance of getting that level of approval from the FDA. 

Who Discovered SARMs?

Modern SARMs were created by accident. Professor James T Dalton was experimenting to find treatments for prostate cancer. In his experimentation, he came across the molecule andarine. Andarine became the first modern non-steroidal SARM.

Andarine was a remarkable find because it promoted muscle growth in a significant way. It meant that Dalton halted his prostate cancer research to focus on this new SARM he had discovered.

Over the years, Dalton developed his findings into something we now know as ostarine (a popular SARM used to this day). In clinical trials, scientists gave older men a 12-week cycle of ostarine and the results were astonishing. The men increased their lean muscle mass significantly, experienced fat loss, and improved their stair-climbing abilities by 15% on average.

Buying SARMs Online

There are countless options for SARMs suppliers online these days. Yet finding a trusted and reliable SARMs vendor website may be a little more tricky than just a simple search.

We recommend you take a look at this vendor that has SARMs for sale. This company has a great rep in the bodybuilding community. Just check out their online customer reviews for proof of this. 

We do recommend comparing SARMs prices on other trusted sites and seeing who delivers the best bang for your buck. However, be aware that the cheapest options might be inferior products. 

So now you know about a reputable seller of SARMs, let’s look into the types of SARMs you can choose from today. Keep in mind, we will mention some products that are technically not SARMs, yet fall into the “SARMs bracket” because they function in similar ways to SARMs. 

Ostarine MK-2866

Ostarine, as we’ve already mentioned, is a popular SARM that’s been around for a while now. Since it’s been available so long, there’s been plenty of testing with this substance, which can give you some reassurance when taking it. 

It’s a pretty mild SARM compared to other offerings on the market now, yet still effective at promoting lean muscle growth and fat loss. If you are a beginner with SARMs, MK-2866 might be a good starting point for you. 

Unlike some other SARMs, Ostarine is fairly palatable in its liquid form. It has a sugary taste that doesn’t remain so long in your mouth after taking it. We still do advise that you have a chaser prepared to drink straight after though such as a protein shake, grapefruit juice, or coffee.

Doses of Ostarine can start from 5 mg through to 25 mg on average, with some bodybuilders taking even more. As a beginner, most people will recommend you do an 8-week cycle where you take between 10 to 20 mg per day. 

Ostarine mildly suppresses testosterone once you’ve finished a cycle. Thus, we recommend you do PCT to reduce testosterone loss. 

Ligandrol LGD-4033

Ligandrol is popular among gym goers for cutting weight. It’s a very potent SARM that many bodybuilders will use as part of a stack. It’s common for gym goers to combine Ostarine and Ligandrol as part of a stack. 

For anyone starting out with SARMs, if you’re going to take Ligandrol, it’s a good idea to start with a lower dosage to then work up to higher ones. A good starting dose would be 5 mg a day and then work up to 10 mg if you wish. 

After a cycle of LGD-4033, you should consider taking a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) to prevent HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis). It may seem like a lot of effort, but the results from Ligandrol will be worth it. 

Testolone RAD-140

Testolone is pretty new in the SARMs world but extremely popular due to its incredible potency. Furthermore, people report there various medical benefits of this substance. You should be aware, however, that not much testing has happened with Testolone since it’s so new. 

If you are wanting to drastically increase your lean muscle mass and endurance, you should seriously think about taking Testolone RAD-140. Even after a couple of doses, you might start to see powerful changes. You should also do a PCT when you’ve finished a Testolone cycle as it will suppress Testosterone levels heavily. 

A beginner dosage of Testolone might be 5-10 mg a day, and for more adventurous users, 30 mg might be the maximum daily dose to think about for an 8-week cycle. 

Cardarine GW-501516

People often put Cardarine in the SARMs category when it technically is not a SARM. The reason why it’s grouped with SARMs is that it produces similar effects on your body to SARMs. 

Cardarine works by enhancing your protein receptors. When you do a cycle of this substance, the results tend to be huge gains in lean muscle mass.

Furthermore, GW-501516 can increase your energy levels. The reason for this is that your protein receptors regulate your glucose levels and through greater protein synthesis your energy goes up. 

One attractive thing about Cardarine is that it does not suppress your testosterone levels because it does not interfere with your androgen receptors. This means you have no need to do a PCT after a cycle and thus it’s a great option to add to a stack. 

Cardarine dosages can be anywhere from 10-25 mg per day for a cycle. If you’re a beginner then we recommend you start with 10 mg per day. 

Ibutamoren MK-677

Here is another SARMs-categorized product that does not interfere with your androgen receptors. Instead, Ibutamoren is a substance that acts on your body’s human growth hormone (HGH) receptor to increase your production of HGH and IGF-1.

So MK-677 is great for developing more bone density and lean muscle mass. Most bodybuilders and gym-goers will use Ibutamoren for bulking cycles. It’s ideal for this due to the physical results it produces but also because it increases your appetite for bulking too.

Interestingly, people can use MK-677 as a mild PCT. So you can probably guess there is no PCT needed after using this product. However, Ibutamoren is a pretty mild PCT and there are plenty of better options on the market to do better PCTs.

SARMs in Different Forms

Now you know about some of the most popular SARMs products on the market right now. The next step is to understand the different SARMs forms out there and how to take them.

There are generally four forms of SARMs. There are powder, pill, capsule, and liquid forms. In many cases, you may only be able to get liquid SARMs due to the FDA-approval issue we discussed. However, in some cases, you can get SARM-like products in powder, capsule, or pill form.

Let’s first take a deeper look into liquid SARMs and how you can take it. Then we’ll touch upon the other forms. 

How to Take Liquid SARMs

If you’re planning on taking SARMs, at some point or another you’re going to come across SARMs in liquid form. What you should know is some SARMs taste pretty unpleasant and have a lingering taste too. Others are more sugary and much easier to swallow. 

Producers of SARMs tend to make them first as a powder. They then mix the powder into alcohol to create their sellable liquid varieties. 

Ostarine is one of the easiest liquid SARMs to knock back. A great way to make sure you get as much of the dosage as possible is to take Ostarine sublingually. All this means is that you put the dosage under your tongue and let a lot of it become absorbed into your bloodstream, and then you just swallow the rest after 10-20 seconds or so. 

Ibutamoren MK-677 is a hard one to swallow for many. In this case, you might want to shoot it at the back of your throat. Then, make sure to have some strong-flavored chasers at hand to rid you of the unpleasant taste. 

Measuring Your Liquid SARMs

An eye dropper or syringe is a good way to administer yourself the correct dosage of SARMs. Or, you might receive some sort of measurer with your SARMs purchase.

In most cases, you will have 20 mg of the SARM within 1 ml of the solution you get. But make sure you read all the instructions and info carefully with the liquid SARMs that you receive. 

Eye droppers tend to be 1 ml exactly. If you have such an eye dropper and there are 20 mg of SARMs in 1 ml of the solution you have, then filling up the eye dropper will provide you with a 20 mg dosage. If you want a 10 mg dosage, fill your eye dropper halfway. 

SARMs Pills and Capsules vs. Liquid SARMs

Some people believe that liquid SARMs will absorb better than SARMs in capsule or pill form. But, it is unlikely that different absorption rates will be noticeable (at most there might be tiny increments of difference).

The main difference between the liquid variety and pill and capsule forms is the liquid type will absorb much faster. Liquid SARMs may also pose fewer issues concerning digestion. Your body will have to spend time digesting pills and capsules.

SARMs Powder vs. Liquid SARMs

One strong selling point for SARMs powder is it is often cheaper than other forms. This is because you are buying the SARM in its raw form. 

It may be the case that you find swallowing SARM powder to be uncomfortable and it might leave a nasty taste in the mouth and dry out your throat. You can mix the powder into a drink, but you will need a solvent to dissolve it.

Liquid SARMs are easier to measure. Measuring powder takes time and effort to master, but if you’re willing to put in the hard work, you’ll get the rewards while not having to spend as much money as you would have on other forms of SARMs.

Choosing a SARMs Supplier Made Easy

When it comes to choosing a SARMs supplier, reputation is everything. Make sure to check out customer reviews and research the supplier online to see what comes up about them in a Google search. Then once you’re set on a supplier, we recommend you opt for some of the more well-known SARMs that we’ve mentioned in this post, like Ostarine, for example.

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