Traveling With CBD Products

Traveling With CBD Products

If you use CBD products for your chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, or stress, you will need to carry it wherever you go. Nevertheless, carrying your products from one country to another may not be as easy as it seems.

Although CBD is legal in most places like the USA, some countries still consider it a controlled substance.

For this reason, you may want to check with the legislation of your destination before flying out. Here is a guide to help you travel with your CBD products without experiencing any troubles.

  • Carry the dosage allowed

There is a limit to how much CBD you can carry in your luggage. According to research, the amount shouldn’t exceed the prescribed amount.

For instance, most countries only allow about 150g of the drug or dosages enough to last you for about 30 days. If the doses exceed the allowed amount, you risk getting heavily fined, or your products confiscated at the checkpoints.

Likewise, if you happen to extend your visit and your supply runs out, consider purchasing more from online sources instead of carrying the entire stash.

  • Review the certificate of analysis (COA)

The level of THC in medical marijuana must be 0.3% or less for it to be considered legal. In this case, always assess the quality of your supplement before purchasing it.

Low-quality CBD contains high levels of THC and incorrect cannabinoid compounds. Only a reputable supplier will have their products COA certified and with the right ingredients.

The federal officials at the airport may also ask you to provide the Certificate of Analysis so, make sure to carry it with you.

  • Proper packaging

Generally, most traveling agencies expect you to package your medicines in a clear plastic bag to distinguish them from other luggage.

This also applies to items like creams, aerosols, gels, pastes, and liquids. Also, avoid concealing cannabis-based products with other items as it could create suspicion with the authorities.

After all, if your products are legal and of the right quantity, you have nothing to worry about. Likewise, separating oils from liquids might land you into trouble hence make sure to put them together.

  • Have all the documentation

Marijuana is used mainly for recreational or medicinal purposes. If you use it for medical reasons, then be ready to produce your doctor’s prescription and a medical certificate at the security checkpoints every time you travel.

Plus, these two documents may be your quickest tickets past the security officials. On the other hand, if you’re traveling with a vape or any other CBD gadget, you should present respective documents to explain why you need them.

  • Know whether it is legal in your destination

This is among the most important factors to consider. While most states consider marijuana use legal, some are still hesitant about its use.

Others like Florida and Texas have strict rules and regulations for buying and selling CBD products. Therefore, we recommend you review the laws of your destination carefully before traveling.

Plus, failure to comply with the rules and regulations governing Marijuana use may land you in jail or cost you huge fines.

Benefits of carrying CBD products on the plane

Now that you already know the various tips to use when traveling with CBD products, here are the reasons why you need them on your travels. You can also see this link to learn more

  • Potential anxiety relief

Flying can be terrifying and exhausting especially for newbies Some experts say almost 50% of people worldwide develop traveling anxiety commonly known as aviophobia.

Luckily, cannabis has the potential to eliminate any stressful situation including midair nervousness.

The interaction between cannabinoids and the brain receptors helps to control the production of adrenaline in the body, hence keeping you calm throughout the journey.

Traveling With CBD Products

  • Better sleep

Most people find it difficult to fall asleep when traveling. This could be a result of fear or exhaustion. CBD is believed to be a quick and effective remedy for insomnia. A few doses of this supplement will have you feeling relaxed and sleepy in due time regardless of where you are. It is also safer than taking sleeping pills.

  • Pain relief

When traveling for long distances, you may suffer from muscle stiffness and pain. On the other hand, poor blood flow associated with long flights may lead to swelling and joint pains. The analgesic properties of cannabis provide relief from pain and inflammation so you can travel comfortably and in peace.

  • Skincare

If you suffer from dry skin, traveling can worsen the situation due to poor blood flow. Applying this supplement to your skin may help restore your skin’s moisture content and eliminate the situation. It may also prevent skin breakout when you travel to dry areas or places with a high attitude. While most hydrating lotions only moisturizes the skin, CBD can mitigate acne and inflammations.

  • Pet anxiety

Traveling anxiety is common with most pets, especially when in an unfamiliar environment. Study shows that, giving your pet a dose of this supplement when traveling could help them remain calm and less fussy. Click here to see more tips.


When traveling with CBD, be mindful of the set laws to avoid landing yourself in trouble. Also, have all the essential documents to justify why you need to carry it along. Although this supplement has an array of medicinal benefits, some states are yet to legalize it. So do thorough research and make sure to follow the Legal guidelines from both your country and the place you’re visiting. Plus, don’t forget to package your items properly and carry the right amount.

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