Digital Marketing Team

Ways to Reward Your Digital Marketing Team

It’s a challenging time in digital marketing. The market is saturated and it’s hard to stand out. In addition, it’s a challenging job market for businesses to attract and retain great employees. Both of these together mean it’s more important than ever to reward your digital marketing team when they meet big goals. Whether your budget is big or small, here are some ways to do just that.

Plan a Retreat

Getting out of the office and into the wilderness can be good for a team. Not only does a team retreat offer the opportunity for team building, it shows that you care about your team and their well-being. Spending time away from the office and a computer screen can relax and refresh your team.

Spending time outdoors is great for the mind. Plus, if your team is together on a retreat, they can bond and potentially come back able to the office with the ability to work together more cohesively.

To have a successful retreat, make sure that activities on the retreat don’t center around the office or your work in digital marketing. Also make sure there is plenty of down time and time for relaxation. This is a reward for your team after all, so make sure it feels like one.

Book a Cruise

Another great way to get your digital marketing team to feel relaxed and satisfied is to book them a team cruise. A cruise can be a lot of fun and will be very relaxing. Plus, your team will get to be together while visiting a beautiful and exotic location.

A cruise might seem pricey, but can actually be extremely cost effective. All inclusive cruises are a great deal. Plus there’s nothing to worry about planning on your end.

Cruises not only offer great opportunities to relax, but they also offer chances to meet as a team. You should also consider shore excursions while on the cruise. Have your team snorkel together, go on a private boat ride or enjoy a meal together on the shore to further help build your team.

Throw a Party

If an extended trip is outside your budget, consider a smaller event to reward your team, like a party. This could be anything from a small award ceremony at a restaurant to a large event with private entertainment. Make sure that you’re providing elements that make this feel like a reward and not an obligation though.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s meaningful enough to show your team you care. You want it to be fun and worth your team spending an evening with the people they work with. Your team may like each other and like working together, but you’ve got to make it worth it for them to enjoy spending an extra evening together.

Prizes are a great way to make the night more meaningful and exciting. Give out prizes for your team’s work. Recognize individuals achievements. Or, host a series of games and have your team earn prizes based on how well they play the games. No matter what, make sure no one leaves empty handed. And make sure you choose good prizes! Consider asking clients to donate prizes if you don’t have a lot of cash to spend.

Give Them a Day Off

If you can’t afford to reward your team with a vacation or a party, consider simply giving them an extra day off. Everyone loves some extra time off that doesn’t come out of their PTO! Simply close the office early on a Friday and open back up on Tuesday.

It may seem as though you’ll lose profits, but giving your team a break will get them motivated to work even harder when they come back from the break. Plus, they’ll feel refreshed after having leisure time to spend how they choose.

There are so many ways to reward your digital marketing team. It’s important to keep your team feeling valued in today’s competitive economy.

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